Thursday Nights @ 6:30pm

Revival Youth Ministry


Our purpose at Revival Youth Ministry (RYM) is to create environments for students to know Jesus in a real way, to learn how to follow Jesus in every area of their lives, and to serve Jesus with their time, talents, and treasures; so that our lives become the evidence that makes Jesus known.

RYM is designed to give students in 7th-12th grades a place where they can feel unconditionally loved and accepted the way they are, but challenged and encouraged to become more like Jesus.  We know that this generation faces unique pressures daily and we work hard to help them to make positive life-choices and encourage them as they live their lives differently than the world around them. Through fun, team-building games, contemporary worship services, student-led ministries, small groups, and Biblical teaching on REAL life-issues, we strive to help students connect with one another and with God.

We meet every Thursday night from 6:30-8:30pm.